Articles from the Portal

The Medfield Historical Society publishes a monthly newsletter, The Portal, containing articles about our events, our collections, and people and places of the distant and not-so-distant past. Below are selected articles from past newsletters. Looking for a specific topic? Use the search function below to search by subject, author or date. Click to  sign up for our free monthly newsletter, The Portal.

Mar 01, 2025  Recent news about the potential for the DeVasto Block building at 456 Main Street to be placed on the market, has prompted non-profit Zullo Gallery supporters to find a way to secure the gallery space as a permanent home.The DeVasto Block, with a jewelry shop, barber and pizza
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Mar 01, 2025  The Boston Globe archives contain a treasure trove of interesting articles published by the daily newspaper over more than 100 years.A recent search of “Medfield women” uncovered a variety of stories, summarized below under each headline as it was written when first published.In the spirit of Women’s History
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Mar 01, 2025  Last year I discovered in our archives, and wrote about in this article, a massive scrapbook of posters and ads printed by J. Stillman Spear of Medfield. One of the more perplexing items in the scrapbook is a poster advertising a lecture to be given in Medfield in
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Feb 1, 2025  For long-time Medfield residents who came of age during the 40-year span of the Rocky Woods skating program, the sadness that resulted from its closure in the winter of 1982-83 still reverberates around town – especially given the recent stretch of freezing weather that prompted a posting of
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Feb 1, 2025  A visit to the African History Museum in Washington DC has been on my bucket list for quite some time. And, this December, my husband and I were fortunate enough to be on a small weekend getaway to the area and thought we would finally sneak in for
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December 29, 2024  Over the last 20 years, Medfield High School’s football record stands at 113-119-1. This season ended with a 35-0 shutout win over their traditional Thanksgiving rival, Dover-Sherborn. Football was established in Medfield in 1897, with high school principal Walter Van Kleek serving as coach. Town historian Richard DeSorgher is continuing
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Dec 28, 2024  In 1861, a gentleman writing under the nom de plume “Peak House” submitted an “exciting discovery” to the care of the Medfield Historical Society, and I am here to reveal this 164-year-old discovery to our community as we take our first shaky steps into the year 2025. First,
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Nov 1, 2024  Reprinted from “This Old Town, Remembering Medfield” by Richard DeSorgher with his permission.On this Veterans’ Day we stop to honor and give thanks to all veterans, including a former Medfield veteran from the (current) War on Terror. He answered his country’s call and was sent to Iraq. His
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Nov 1, 2024  In 1962, there was a lot of optimism in Medfield over the high school football team’s prospects.  Practically the whole team from the 1961 squad was back and ready to play. The freshmen of last season were now about to enter our sophomore year, but before classes began
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Nov 1, 2024    On a Saturday evening in December of 1912, Dr. Karl Muck, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, awaited the arrival of a most important patron.  He had learned during his tenure that he could not commence the evening’s program until Mrs. Isabella Stewart Gardner occupied her customary
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Oct 1, 2024  As autumn settles in and children have returned to school, our volunteers have been busy preparing for Medfield Day, planning history-themed activities for children to learn about old and obsolete technology, specifically about tasks that can now be performed by apps in one’s cell phone.Children starting school in
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Oct 1, 2024  This article was inspired by former Medfield resident Agnes Hungerford, who was also a Medfield music supporter and friend of the Allan family. Hungerford recently visited the Dwight-Derby House to unveil a new DDH display panel donated by her family, and spent some time talking about the Allan
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